Marketing Briefing: Agencies See More RFPs for Brand Building Amid ‘Recalibration’ of Marketers’ Priorities

Digiday – In recent years, marketers have been putting more emphasis on performance marketing, proving efficiencies of ad budgets and retooling creative to tout value amid economic uncertainty. More recently though, marketers have shifted focus back to brand building and they’re looking for help with things like brand affinity, brand strategy, brand identity and brand refreshes and redesigns as they plan to invest more in brand channels, according to agency executives and search consultants, who say they’ve seen more requests for proposals seeking partners for brand building over the last few months and even the last year.

“CMOs are realizing the importance of more long-term thinking and are seeking partners for this,” said Greg Paull, partner at R3. “While there has been a continual rise of specialist agencies in social, data and e-commerce, finding a partner who can help delineate the soul of a brand has never been more essential.”

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